Facing territorial encroachment of their sacred land and a need to survive in a modern world, The Huichol Center for Cultural Survival and Traditional Arts serves as a bridge between a cultural divide. Established nearly three decades ago within the rugged mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental, The Huichol Center and its founder, anthropologist Susana Valadez, strive to empower both Huichol individuals and communities across the country to maintain their spiritual, artistic and cultural heritage by preparing them to coexist with the outside world on their own terms. With careful planning and education the Huichol people can thrive in today’s world without sacrificing their native traditions or language.
Frente al avance territorial en su tierra sagrada y la necesidad de sobrevivir en un mundo moderno, el Centro Indígena Huichol WIxarika actúa como un puente entre una brecha cultural. Establecido hace casi tres décadas en las montañas escarpadas de la Sierra Madre Occidental, este centro y su fundadora, la antropóloga Susana Valadez, se esfuerzan por empoderar tanto a los individuos Huicholes como a las comunidades en todo el país para que mantengan su herencia espiritual, artística y cultural, preparándolos para coexistir con el mundo exterior en sus propios términos. Con una planificación cuidadosa y educación, los Huicholes pueden prosperar en el mundo actual sin sacrificar sus tradiciones o su lengua nativa
The Huichol Center for Cultural Survival and Traditional Arts, known in Mexico as the “Centro Indígena Huichol”, was founded by UCLA anthropologist Susana Valadez, whose marriage to Huichol yarn artist Mariano Valadez in 1977 launched her on the path to the realization of her life’s work. This non-profit altruistic organization, located in the remote town of Huejuquilla el Alto, Jalisco Mexico
The Huichol Center for Cultural Survival and Traditional Arts, known in Mexico as the “Centro Indígena Huichol”.
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